This is a legacy challenge so I am following the normal legacy rules that can be found here.
I have chosen to play with
Succession law: strict equality "The founder may be of either gender. However, only children of the opposite gender to the founder are eligible to be named heir. This repeats itself for the next generation (the next heir must be a different gender than the previous heir) so that each generation will have alternating-genders as heirs"
Blood line: strictly traditional "To be eligible to be named heir, a child must be naturally born from their previous-generation parents and be able to trace an unbroken bloodline back to the founder. Adopted children may never be named heir."
Heir law: Exemplar. "At the beginning of the challenge, name a single trait. This trait must be one of your founder’s three traits.. Any eligible heir that has this trait will gain the title of heir. If a single generation has no children with this trait or more than one exemplar, follow the First Born rule." With the chosen trait "loves nature".
This is the special thing about my legacy challenge. The founder, Nessa, doesn't believe in money. That is why she bought the plot of land and hence she doesn't have any intention of getting a normal job.
She is only allowed to make a living from gardening. Quite a challenge, right?
She is also only allowed to marry/let a man move in who shares this trait. He is of course also only allowed to earn money from gardening.
Their children have more of a free will. If one of the children recieve the trait "loves nature" this will be the heir and the same rules apply for this child as for Nessa. However, if this child doesn't recieve the trait the challenge changes into something a bit more simple and normal for a legacy challenge. However, as soon as a heir appears that has the "loves nature" trait that person is the heir and continues in the legacy of the founder Nessa.
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