Thursday 2 October 2014


So one day it happened. Nessa hadn't planned for it but there he stood: Malcolm Landgraab.

Nessa was in over her head in love. She didn't mind that Malcolm had bad sides and above all she didn't mind that he hated gardening. She loved him more than words could explain and kissed him furiously.

Malcolm was surprised at first. Looking at her with a puzzled expression. But than he returned the kiss and thus it was them.

Nessa wasn't fooled however, she had suspected that Malcolm wasn't her ideal of a man. He was handsome yes but he was also quite cruel. Five months after they had first met this was really established. Nessa was pregnant and Malcolm was not thrilled.

Nessa wasn't angry she simply explained to him that she was having his child and that he could do whatever he liked. He did. He left and there she stood, pregnant with a massive garden and no house. 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Gardening for a living

Nessa loved her new way of life. Her plants grew steadily and she could spend time doing exactly what she wanted.

However, the gardening didn't make her a fortune. This small detail had Nessa tried to ignore but when she opened the mail box one day and found a huge bill she was in chock.

391 the bill said and I didn't matter how many times Nessa counted. She only had 334. This was an all time low and to make things worse the toilette erupted in an ill-manifested refusal. While Nessa tried to fix the broken plumbing (she didn't pay much attention to the fact that the toilette in fact stood outside, miraculously without any pipes) she pondered and realised that she had to work even harder.

So she bought a stereo and started dancing, hoping that the plants would get the vibe and grew quicker. To make sure it was successful she invited her friends too.

It worked and the plants grew quicker than ever. (This was highly illogical but Nessa thought there was an actual correlation)

She was finally able to pay her bills and was thrilled. She continued this happiness by harvesting even more. She had noticed that her plants grew even faster when she put fish on it, thus she made the money to buy a stove.

Sunday 28 September 2014


Nessa Eiche was sure of one thing, she didn't want to live an ordinary life. She hated all that was normal life and had fled the city. The small inheritance she had received from her grandma had been used for this cause. She had bought a large plot of land in a small town. Here she would spend her days, she promised herself, the rest of her life.

She had grand plans for her life but truth be told, she hardly ever finished any of them. Thus it was a small miracle that she had actually moved to a new town and made the transaction for the lot. She named her home Utopia and hope that it would be just that. However, the problems started from day one. She had nothing left. Almost all of the money had been used for the land and she hadn't even thought about the fact that she also needed a house. Nessa never worried over these things though, she bought some seeds and the plant market and started digging.

Nessa had never felt the need to have friends, perhaps that was why she hadn't had a problem leaving her home city behind. That was also the reason why she had bought this particular piece of land, it was secluded. The first day would prove her wrong. A lonesome jogger ran over the green field and Nessa was intrigued. What was this person doing in Nessa's home? The jogging women didn't seem to see Nessa as she lay on the ground doing sit-ups. Nessa laughed.
The women however was thrilled when she saw Nessa.
"Do you live here?" she asked and when Nessa replied that she did the woman was so happy that she hugged Nessa. "No one has lived here for years. It's good that you take care of it!" Without saying anything else the woman left. Nessa didn't think much about it but as she showered that evening it struck her, a single question. Why hadn't anyone lived there for years?